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Nathan MacLean

Nathan serves with Campus Outreach at Bradley University.

Update – August 2022

Deployment Day

This year, I’ll be spending nearly all of my time in University Hall, a freshman dormitory on Bradley’s campus. Rather than just organizing events and calling people to join us, we as a staff team go to the people first and foremost, using events to deepen friendships that we’ve already established. With that in mind, the first couple weeks are some of the most essential times to be on campus all of the time!

So, on August 20th, all of the staff and students gathered for a time of prayer before going to campus. This will happen throughout the year, continually. If there’s one thing we want to be about, it’s trusting that the Lord is the one who saves the lost, and not ourselves. He alone is mighty to save!

Over the past week and a half, our staff team has collectively developed friendships with around 223 people– 

nearly a quarter of the incoming freshman class— and that number is still growing. We’ve hosted two events thus far: pancakes at midnight and an inner-campus volleyball tournament. All the rest of our time has been spent in dining halls and in the dorms with students. By God’s grace, all of these events have been well attended and have furthered our ability to keep contact with many students– over 200 people came to each event! Also, as pictured below, many of our students have been helping put all of this on, and joining us in the dining halls as we meet new people!

Would you pray with us as we build friendships with hundreds of these students? Would you pray that the Holy Spirit would change hearts on Bradley’s campus? Would you pray that currently lost students would one day worship our King, and call others to do the same? Stay posted for more pictures, stories, and news to come. I look forward to writing you more specific stories soon. The Lord is faithful! 

Thank you for your gifts and prayers! It is such a privilege to be sent to preach!

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